Bank Five Nine: Bank Five Nine Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Cherished Holiday Program
2024 proudly marks the 10th Anniversary of Bank Five Nine’s Holi-Days of Giving. The program allows people to nominate an individual to receive holiday cheer in the form of a gift valued up to $500. One gift is awarded at each of the bank’s 13 suburban locations.
“Over the years we’ve received thousands of nominations and have been honored to have made the holidays a little brighter for more than 100 deserving people in our communities,” said Jeff McCarthy, Marketing Director at Bank Five Nine.
“There are a few stories that definitely stick out for me,” said McCarthy. “In 2016 a mother nominated her son; his father had just passed away and his little brother had been diagnosed with liver cancer. This incredible young man was excelling at school and taking on many duties around the house, never once complaining. We fulfilled his mother’s wish and were able to give him a PlayStation 4 and some games to enjoy with his friends. It was magical.”
Other examples of holiday wishes granted include a night out for a woman struggling with cancer, a new cell phone for a man who couldn’t work due to an injury suffered on the job, and a spa day for a woman who always helps others without ever asking for anything in return.
“We’ve met a lot of really special people through this program,” said McCarthy. “Each year I am reminded a small gesture of kindness, especially during the holidays, can really make a difference for someone. We are so fortunate to be able to make wishes come true each year.”
Bank Five Nine President and CEO, Tim Schneider, added that “in 2023, we collected and received hundreds of nominations and found 13 families/individuals in Ozaukee, Waukesha, and Washington counties who deserved a little extra holiday cheer. Our mission as a true community bank is to ‘Make Lives Better’, and we are thankful we can bring some joy during the holiday season through this wonderful program.”
Are you looking to grant a holiday wish this season?
Nominate yourself or someone you love to receive a special gift during Bank Five Nine’s Holi-Days of Giving.
- Request a nomination form or fill it out online:
- Share who you think should receive a little extra holiday cheer and why
- Submit your nomination by November 11th.
To learn more about Bank Five Nine and their charitable giving, please visit