WBA Community Bankers for Compliance Program – Session IV
Program Information
Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA) is pleased to sponsor the annual Community Bankers for Compliance Program (CBC), one of the most successful and longest running compliance training programs in the country.
The CBC Program will provide your bank with up-to-date information on the ever-changing bank regulations, as well as guidance for structuring and maintaining your in-bank compliance program. In addition, it provides a forum where those responsible for regulatory compliance can discuss issues and exchange ideas with other community bankers.
Who Should Attend?
Compliance officers, lending management, lenders and processors, and any others with responsibilities for lending should attend. Additionally, audit personnel will find this session useful.
Session 4 Topics:
Member FDIC: The FDIC has recently upgraded their regulation regarding the use of the term “Member FDIC” and other related subjects. We have not discussed this rule in the CBC for a long time. We will take a look at all requirements to assure that everyone has the information required to avoid any Member FDIC issues. Notably there are new changes coming up for 2024, which probably will not be significant for many, but everyone needs to be aware of, just in case management decides to do something different in your bank. This subject will be presented directly after Regulation Update, or will be the first subject presented if you experience Regulatory Update electronically.
ARM Loans: The second subject will be a complete review of all portions of all regulations that discuss ARM loans. We have spent very little time on these regulations in recent years, as almost any customer who could qualify could get a very low-rate fixed rate loan, and was not interested in an ARM loan. But with the changes in interest rates in recent months, customer interest in an ARM product has increased, and the number of questions that we are receiving regarding ARM loans has continued to increase. Given these factors, we have chosen to discuss this subject as the final portion of our fourth quarter CBC presentation. We will help everyone “dust off” their ARM skills, especially as management wants to implement “creative” ARM products. We have not covered this subject in a while due to the low interest rate world in which we lived in for such an extended period of time, but the current interest rate environment indicates that its time has come.
Included in this presentation will be the upfront disclosures which will need to be made, including the TRID disclosures and ability to repay and qualified mortgage issues specific to ARM loans, the disclosures due at closing, including the Closing Disclosure itself, and those disclosures which must take place after closing as the loan proceeds. Our presentation will focus only on those requirements that are directly related to ARM loans. There is no contemplation that we will cover every area of the Loan Estimate or Closing Disclosure.
As always, the subjects for the Regulatory Update will begin our day and will be determined by circumstances and releases from the various agencies.
Bill Elliott, CRCM, Senior Consultant and Director of Compliance Education, Young & Associates, Inc.
Bill Elliott has over 40 years of banking experience. As a senior compliance consultant and director of compliance education with Young & Associates, Inc., Bill works on a variety of compliance-related issues, including leading compliance seminars, conducting compliance reviews for all areas of compliance, conducting in-house training, and writing compliance articles and training materials.
During his career, Bill spent 15 years as a compliance officer and CRA officer in a large community bank, and worked for a large regional bank. He has been a lender for consumer, commercial, and mortgage loans, and has managed a variety of bank departments, including loan review, consumer/commercial loan processing, mortgage loan processing, loan administration, credit administration, collections, and commercial loan workout.
Bank Member Registration:
CBC Program Members:
- $0 – CBC Program Members
- $150 – each additional representative (single session)
Individual CBC Seminar Session Fees:
- $375 – 1st representative (single session)
- $150 – each additional representative (single session)
Refund Policy: A refund, less a $25 administrative fee, is provided for cancellations requested on or before Thursday, October 20, 2022.