The goal of every financial institution is to develop tellers who acquire the necessary skills to proficiently deal with customers, utilize loss prevention techniques and put a harmonious touch into every transaction. Whether the teller is new or a veteran, there is an opportunity during this webinar to learn tips and techniques that will make them more efficient, confident, and prepared to tackle their daily responsibilities.
As the first person seen by most customers, the teller fills a critical role in brand and reputation reinforcement. Plus, knowing what to say to unhappy depositors is as important to the job of a teller as is accuracy in handling large sums of cash.
Being able to use finesse when handling sticky situations and being capable of following procedures when processing transactions are examples of the high expectations that come with this job.
The Eight Keys to Teller Excellence webinar is designed to develop alert, capable tellers who can minimize losses, follow explicit instructions, and provide quality customer service.
What You’ll Learn
- Professional Maturity
- Manage Your Image
- Follow Procedure
- Scrutinize Transactions
- Minimize Cons and Scams
- Provide Extraordinary Service
- Ace Cross-Selling
- Master the Balancing Act
Who Should Attend
Tellers, Head Tellers, Teller Supervisors, and Trainers would all benefit from this webinar.
Janice Branch has been a senior training consultant for InterAction Training for twenty years. She is a very seasoned presenter that has all the right stuff to wow her participants about the subject matter. Prior to joining InterAction Training, Branch was the Senior Manager of Training for Consolidated Communications where she managed, designed, coordinated and presented training programs for this multi-state telecommunications company with over 1000 employees.
Whether it is teaching how to coach, manage, lead, negotiate, service, sell or train at every level in an organization or if it is consulting on problem solving and servant leadership, Branch is the “go-to” person every bank wants to hear from. Participants appreciate her “been there, done that” humor along with her expert ability to facilitate learning.
Branch has obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in Management from Almeda University and is certified by the University of Houston in Leadership and Management. In addition, Branch has obtained trainer certifications from Achieve Global and Development Dimensions, Inc.
A native Texan, she enjoys many pursuits in addition to teaching and learning but none more than being a grandmother and tending to her ten acre home in Montgomery, Texas just north of Houston.
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