BSA Series: Job-Specific BSA Training for Senior Management & Directors
Directors have overall responsibility for your institution’s BSA program, including approving the program itself, funding its budget, appointing a BSA officer, and instilling a culture of compliance. Senior management is then responsible for taking those directives and ensuring they are practiced throughout the institution.
It is imperative that directors and senior management understand the potential threats posed by money launderers and terrorist financers – and the institution’s role in preventing bad actors from accessing the US and worldwide financial system. Without a thorough understanding of how financial institutions can be used to funnel illicit proceeds, hide funds, and promote illegal activity, they cannot make informed decisions about the funding and resources necessary to meet BSA compliance requirements. Those types of failures often result in substantial penalties to institutions and individuals. This vital training will provide an overview of recent cases and enforcement actions, BSA program requirements, examiner expectations, and recent advisories and guidance regarding the ever-changing fraud and money laundering schemes.
Know your institution’s BSA and OFAC responsibilities and the importance of actively supporting efforts to fulfill them
Understand the mandatory reporting requirements for CTRs, SARs, and OFAC screening in order to provide appropriate resources and support
Define money laundering, identity theft, synthetic identity fraud, and more
Explain why BSA and OFAC compliance is critical to protect the US and worldwide financial systems from money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation of organized criminal activity
Distinguish between lower-risk and higher-risk products, services, and accountholders and understand the need for appropriate risk-based controls
Glossary of important BSA and OFAC terms
High-level executive summary of key BSA and OFAC components
Employee training log
Interactive quiz
This informative session is designed for senior management and directors who want a succinct overview of the Bank Secrecy Act and implementing regulations to effectively oversee and provide support for the institution’s written programs.
ABOUT THE PRESENTER – Mary-Lou Heighes, Compliance Plus, Inc.
Mary-Lou Heighes is President and founder of Compliance Plus, Inc., which has assisted financial institutions with the development of compliance programs since 2000. She provides compliance training for trade associations and financial institutions. Mary-Lou has been an instructor at regulatory compliance schools, conducts dozens of webinars, and speaks at numerous conferences throughout the country.
Involved with financial institutions since 1989, Mary-Lou has over 25 years’ compliance experience. Before starting Compliance Plus in 2000, she spent five years working as a loan officer, marketer, and collector. She also worked at a state trade association for seven years providing compliance assistance and advising on state and federal legislative issues that affect financial institutions.
Live Webinar – $245
Recorded Webinar and Digital Download – $245 plus tax
Live Webinar, Recorded Webinar and Digital Download – $320 plus tax