Call Report Preparation 2 Day Streaming
This 2 day live streaming event will provide information on new, proposed, and revised changes to the Call Report with identification of specific Call Report line items impacting December 2023 and beyond. Accounting guidance and regulatory changes will be discussed and presented in order to update those with Call Report preparation and review responsibilities.
The Call Report is constantly in a state of change. We worked through the extensive changes that took place over the course of the past few years.
As we approach the final reporting quarter for 2023, questions are raised over what the reporting impact will be from the FASB revisions to accounting and reporting of TDRs and the elimination of our current terminology related to modified loans.
In addition, were you comfortable with the reporting impact within your Call Report related to the adoption of CECL? Do you understand the impact of reporting Purchase Credit Deteriorated (PCD) loans and securities in the Report of Condition as well as other schedules that require specific accounting for all PCD assets?
Participants will receive handout materials to include a PDF version of the presentation and additional documentation required to support the topics covered in the webinar. The FFIEC 041 and 051 reports will be referenced in the presentation and materials, however, if you file the FFIEC 031 report, the information covered will also benefit your bank.
Call Report Preparation All Day Live Streaming – Day 1
October 12, 2023, 9:00 am CST
The following schedules will be covered, however, not all line items within each schedule will be discussed (subject to change):
Schedule RC – Report of Condition
Schedule RI – Report of Income
Report of Income schedules:
RI-A – Changes in Equity Capital
RI-B – Charge-Offs and Recoveries
RI-C – Allowance for Credit Losses
RI-E – Explanations
Report of Condition schedules:
RC-A – Cash and Due From Banks
RC-B – Securities
RC-F – Other Assets
RC-G – Other Liabilities
Call Report Preparation All Day Streaming – Day 2
October 13, 2023, 9:00 am CST
The following schedules will be covered, however, not all line items within each schedule will be discussed (subject to change):
RC-C – Loans
RC-E – Deposits
RC-K – Average Balances
RC-L – Unused Commitments & Off-Balance Sheet Items
RC-M – Memoranda
RC-N – Past Due, Nonaccruals & TDRs
RC-O – Insurance Assessments
RC-P – Mortgage Banking Activities
RC-Q – Reporting Fair Value Assets and Liabilities
RC-R Part I – Capital Ratios and the CBLR
RC-R Part II – Risk Weighting Assets (with a focus on the loan portfolio and unfunded commitments)
RC-S – Servicing, Securitization, Sales
SU – Report 051 items covered with discussion of Form 041 corresponding items
What You’ll Learn
This 2-day live streaming training will cover general preparation instructions, background on regulatory matters that impact the Call Report, changes in reporting status, regulatory rules, and general information about reporting requirements under U.S. GAAP.
Who Should Attend
Call Report preparation requires knowledge of bank accounting, bank regulations, and virtually all bank operations. Annual training is highly recommended by regulators. Banks should have a trained preparer and a trained reviewer. Anyone responsible for preparing, reviewing, or signing a Call Report will find this program valuable. Experienced preparers and reviewers will benefit from the updates and the continued discussion on accounting and financial reporting matters. The seminar will provide basic training for new preparers, though some basic accounting knowledge is helpful, and complete coverage of new and complex issues for experienced preparers. Specific areas of concern should be communicated to the sponsor in advance of the seminar so that these areas can be covered with appropriate adequacy.
Field of Study: Accounting
Skill level: Basic
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of a bank’s general ledger chart of accounts with a basic understanding of bank accounting. Familiarity with preparing a call report.
Advanced Preparation: None
Instructor Bios
Cynthia Dopjera, a Certified Public Accountant, has 38 years of experience focused on accounting and regulatory reporting for financial institutions. During the first 18 years of her career, Ms. Dopjera held various positions with responsibility across all operational areas, to include accounting, internal audit, Call Report preparation and review while working for community as well as regional banks.
In 2000, Ms. Dopjera joined the public accounting firm of Harper & Pearson Company, P.C., where she served as Practice Leader for the Firm’s financial institutions practice covering community and regional institutions. The Firm’s services included financial statement audit, accounting, tax preparation and filing, internal control audit, Call Report audit, loan and asset quality review, and design and implementation of internal controls over financial reporting frameworks for institutions regulated under FDICIA and Sarbanes-Oxley. In 2018, Ms. Dopjera retired from Harper & Pearson Company, and currently provides accounting, consulting, and training services to financial institutions.
Call Report Preparation 2 Day Streaming has been approved for 12 CPE credits. Credits are redeemable for Live attendance only.
Live Access + Includes: Access the recording for 12 months. $1889