Fair Lending – Understanding the Basics and How to Conduct a Comparative File Review
As long as you are making loans, fair lending concerns are here to stay. Although cases of overt discrimination are few and far apart, disparate treatment can often happen inadvertently. Awareness, monitoring and a periodic comparative file review can lessen the possibility of adverse issues arising in your institution. Join us for this informative session.
We will start with reviewing the types of lending discrimination and provide examples to enhance your understanding of these critical terms. Another critical component of understanding potential fair lending issues is includes the discussion of redlining. Then we will walk you through the steps of a comparative file review and also provide tools to make it all easier for you, such as worksheets and a sample report format.
The discussion regarding fair lending issues will be a great refresher for all of your mortgage loan originators.
Program Highlights
- Types of discrimination: overt, disparate treatment, disparate impact
- Understand how inadvertent discrimination can occur (disparate treatment and/or disparate impact)
- Explanation of redlining
- How to conduct a comparative file review
- Self-identify any problems related to your lending policies and processes that could in any way be construed as a fair lending or redlining issue
- Be certain your fair lending related policies are strong
Who Should Attend?
This informative session is directed to Compliance Officers as well as Loan Officers (commercial and consumer), all loan support personnel and Auditors. And because the Board and Management are ultimately responsible for your fair lending standards, they would also benefit from this timely session.
Molly Stull began her banking career on the teller line while working on her undergraduate degree and has continued working in the financial industry ever since. Some of her experience includes roles in operations, business resumption planning, consumer compliance, and conducting audits. Her favorite role is ensuring that her audience, whether on the sports field or in the financial industry, understands the “why” behind the rule. Her wealth of financial knowledge and her numerous years of experience enable her to relate the material to the audience.
Registration Options
- Live Access, 30 Days OnDemand Playback, Presenter Materials and Handouts – $279
- Available Upgrades:
- 12 Months OnDemand Playback + $110
- 12 Months OnDemand Playback + CD + $140
- Additional Live Access + $75 per person