The FFIEC’s 13 Exam Objectives for Business Continuity & Resilience
How quickly your bank can get back to serving accountholders after a cybersecurity attack, hurricane, wildfire, pandemic, or flood often depends on the existing business continuity management (BCM) program. The FFIEC provided guidance regarding the contents of your program, but also emphasized the importance of a continuous cycle for assessing resiliency using a 10-step approach. As technology evolves so do the threats that could hamper an institution’s ability to provide financial services. Business continuity and resiliency plans create a game plan for minimizing interruptions during a crisis.
Your BCM program must keep pace with the emergence of new threats, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and the evolution of products and services. With this webinar, you’ll learn the examination procedures, resilience strategies, and how to incorporate the 10 steps of the business continuity lifecycle. Two other key components are communication with the board and your internal auditor’s role in assessing the BCM program’s design effectiveness. While disasters can’t be predicted, you can ensure your institution has a solid business continuity management program that will pass muster during an examination and be a valuable tool when disaster strikes!
Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits.
Prepare to meet the 13 objectives outlined in the examination manual
Discuss the 10 steps of the business continuity lifecycle
Examine third-party service provider contracts for business continuity
Ensure the board receives adequate BCM program communication
Communicate the internal auditor’s role in assessing the BCM program’s design effectiveness
Consider new technologies and emerging threats for inclusion in the plan
Share resources with staff and accountholders during a disaster
Business continuity contract considerations for technology service providers
Critical function worksheet in Excel
Threat risk assessment in Excel
Checklist for critical business continuity reporting to the board
Employee training log
Interactive quiz
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your financial institution is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.
This informative webinar will benefit compliance officers, compliance staff, internal auditors, risk management personnel, chief operating officers, chief risk officers, and those involved in third-party risk management.
ABOUT THE PRESENTER – Molly Stull, Brode Consulting Services, Inc.
Molly Stull began her career as a teller while working on her undergraduate degree and has continued working in the financial industry ever since. She has experienced the growth of a hometown bank, branch mergers, charter changes, name changes, etc. Molly has activated business resumption plans, performed secondary market quality control reviews, processed wires, filed SARs, and coordinated reviews with external auditors and examiners. Her favorite role has always been educating staff and strongly believes that if staff understands the reason for a process they will be more compelled to follow the procedures. Molly holds a bachelor’s from the University of Akron and an MBA from Ashland University.
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