WBA Board Candidates Announced
Alvaro (Al) Araque, senior vice president and director of Consumer and Private Banking, Johnson Financial Group, Racine, has been selected to become the 2022–23 WBA vice chair by the WBA Nominating Committee.
The nominating committee, which is comprised of the current WBA officers and recent past chairmen from WBA, also selected the following candidates to fill seats for three-year terms on the WBA board of directors: Greg Lundberg, Fortifi Bank, Berlin (Group 3); Paul Hoffmann, Monona Bank (Group 4); Ryan Kamphuis, Bristol Morgan Bank, Oakfield (At-Large); and Tom Mews, First National Community Bank, New Richmond (At-Large).
Pursuant to the WBA Bylaws, the above candidates shall be considered elected on April 2 unless other nominees are offered by petition submitted to the WBA office by April 1. The nominating committee received many nominations of excellent candidates, making the selection process very difficult.
The committee, led by WBA Past Chair Paul Kohler, wishes to thank everyone for their interest in serving on the WBA Board, along with your continued strong support of WBA.