WBA/ABA Analyzing Bank Performance
An overview of tools and techniques to analyze and improve a bank’s financial performance. Participants observe the effects of certain kinds of risk on a bank’s financial track record, and the correlation between risk optimization and superior financial performance.
Audience: This course is designed for junior-level bank officers all the way up through CEOs who need to analyze their bank’s performance. Participants should have basic knowledge of balance sheets and income statements.
The required textbook for this course is Bank Management, 8th Edition.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to order the required book for this course. We recommend that you FIRST select and add your course session to the shopping cart, then select the book from the “Recommended Training” options that appear alongside the shopping cart.
*Please note this book is used for all four Bank Management courses: Analyzing Bank Performance, Managing Interest Rate Risk, Managing Funding, Liquidity, and Capital, and Managing the Bank’s Investment Portfolio.*
Price: $660