The WBA is a community of bankers working together to address our common challenges and support the longevity of Wisconsin banks.
Bankers in the Association support each other as a professional peer network and work together to build up the communities each bank serves.
Bulletin Board
The WBA promotes and recognizes the achievements of our member banks and their staff. Visit the Bulletin Board to see staff promotions and new hires, descriptions of community engagement events, and celebrate retirements.
Financial Education
Consumer education is a vital component of banking. Customers who understand personal finance are better for the bank and the community. Visit Financial Education to see how the WBA and its members are working to empower consumers to make wise financial decisions.
Get Involved
The Association has many ways for individual bankers to get involved in the industry. Visit the Get Involved page to see descriptions of our Sections and Committees, see who’s representing you in those groups, and find out how you can get involved, too!