Lending to Nonprofit Organizations
Lending to nonprofits can be prosperous and perilous. Do you understand nonprofit accounting and reporting? What financial and nonfinancial factors impact a nonprofit’s success? This webinar will cover those issues and more and will focus on lending to educational institutions, municipalities, churches, and other organizations.
After This Webinar You’ll Be Able to:
- Differentiate between standard bookkeeping and financial reporting for nonprofit organizations (fund accounting)
- Have informed conversations with key stakeholders of nonprofit organizations and ask pertinent questions in order to fully brief your institution’s decisionmakers about the inherent lending risks
- Identify nonfinancial factors that may pose a risk to the nonprofit’s success
- Understand challenges unique to churches, educational institutions, and other nonprofit organizations
Webinar Details
Loans to nonprofits can strengthen bonds with the community, promote community development, and provide positive exposure to individuals involved with the nonprofit. Nonprofit lending, however, does not come without risks. This presentation will highlight the risks and provide insight into repayment ability through cash flow, liquidity, and leverage. You’ll learn the differences between nonprofit accounting (fund accounting) and standard bookkeeping and explore the Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax.
The discussion will also include topics such as the nonprofit objective (program), leadership, membership, funding sources, use of funding, and other variables specific to different nonprofit organizations. The instructor’s experience as a founding member of a chamber of commerce serving a small community in Michigan, as well as his role in the financial turnaround of an educational foundation, give him a unique perspective on risks associated with nonprofit lending.
Who Should Attend?
This informative session will be beneficial for credit analysts, commercial loan officers, and others in senior and executive management with loan approval authority.
Take-Away Toolkit
- List of questions and inquiries to use when underwriting nonprofit organizations
- Employee training log
- Interactive quiz
- PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
- Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits
NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other institutions or those not employed by your agency is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.
Meet the Presenter – Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis is SVP and Chief Credit Officer of a $1.5 billion Midwest community bank and has over 20 years of experience in the banking industry. Previously, Lewis was Senior Consultant and Director of Lending and Lending Education at a financial institution consulting firm. His career started at a small community bank in southeast Michigan, working his way from teller to VP Credit Administrator.
Lewis has taught numerous courses related to loan quality and compliance, drawing from both regulatory guidance and his personal experiences and observations. His teaching style blends technical guidance with real-world observations and examples. He holds a Bachelor’s in finance from Michigan State University and graduated from the Graduate School of Banking, University of Wisconsin.
- $279 – Live Webinar Access
- $279 – OnDemand Access + Digital Download
- $379 – Both Live & On-Demand Access + Digital Download