2025 WBA Marketing Excellence Award
Submissions are accepted from August 1, 2025–September 30, 2025.
Description: The Wisconsin Bankers Association Marketing Excellence Award serves to recognize and celebrate a Wisconsin bank for their outstanding efforts to communicate bank products and services through innovative marketing techniques.
Why Submit: Celebrate your marketing team’s creative efforts by submitting your bank’s marketing campaign for the second annual WBA Marketing Excellence Award. The winner will be announced and presented in conjunction with the annual WBA FLEX Retail and Marketing Summit in November. The bank chosen will also receive a digital “badge” to add to their website and other marketing materials, personalized certificates, and a trophy for the achievement. Additionally, all banks who enter their campaign will have the opportunity to showcase their submission to WBA FLEX attendees via a rotating slideshow presentation playing throughout the summit.
Requirements: Any WBA-member bank may apply for this recognition. Only one submission per bank is accepted. Submissions should include a document with campaign details, examples of marketing graphics, and one PowerPoint summary slide of the project to be displayed at WBA FLEX. Please only share campaigns completed from August 1, 2023–July 31, 2024. A maximum of 10 files can be uploaded. Accepted file types include PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, MP3, MPEG, MPG, MP4, and MOV.
Submissions will be judged in the categories of Research, Strategy, Execution, and Evaluation.
Research: Identify the problem or opportunity the campaign was designed to address. Summarize any research your team conducted as well as how the results shaped your planning.
Strategy: State the goal(s) of your campaign and how they would solve the problem or address the opportunity indicated. Identify the target audiences and why you chose the utilized communication channel(s). Discuss your resources at the time and any limitations, such as budget, time, personnel, etc.
Execution: Give a general walkthrough/timeline of your campaign execution and provide visual examples in the attachment boxes below. Did you encounter any unforeseen difficulties (internal or external)?
Evaluation: Consider the effectiveness of the campaign against the established goal(s). What innovative tactics were used to complete the campaign goal(s)? What impact did the campaign have on the bank, community, marketing team, etc.?
See the Wisconsin Bankers Association Marketing Excellence Award Official Promotion Rules and Eligibility below.
Marketing campaign examples from past WBA Marketing Excellence Award winners