WBA Legal Brings Compliance Training to You with WBA Legal In-House Compliance Training
We recognize staff training is one of those areas that can easily get pushed aside due to time constraints and staff shortages. However, to assist with bank’s compliance training needs, WBA Legal has launched In-House Compliance Training for members. Through the new resource WBA Legal will bring compliance training to you.
WBA Legal In-House Compliance Training may be conducted in-person or as a virtual meeting. Training will be customized to your bank’s needs. If you don’t see what you are searching for, please call and we will do our best to provide it. Please fill out the form below or dial 608-441-1200 and ask to speak with Ramon Morales.
In-House Training Topics Include
Legal/Regulatory Compliance
- Advertising Rules
- Bank Secrecy Act
- Electronic Funds Transfer Act – Regulation E
- Equal Opportunities Credit Act – Regulation B
- Fair Credit Reporting Act/FACT Act
- Financial Privacy
- Flood Insurance
- Funds Availability – Regulation CC
- Interagency Appraisal Rules
- Truth in Savings Act – Regulation DD
- Overview of UCC Article 9
- Wisconsin Consumer Act
- Wisconsin Marital Property Act
Other Topics
- Dealing with Difficult Customer Situations
- Deposit Account Documentation
- Safe Deposit Box
- Understanding Loan Documentation
WBA Legal will be providing the in-bank training. The presenter selected is dependent on the topic and timing of the training. Please contact WBA for pricing and speaker information.