Managing & Monitoring High-Risk Accountholders
High-risk accountholders come in all shapes and sizes – and industries. This can make it difficult to identify activities outside the norm. The risks can increase if you have not properly identified the consumer, business, or source of deposited funds, or appropriately monitored the account for changes in activity. Attend this thorough webinar to learn more about managing and monitoring high-risk accountholders – and the risks involved.
- Define high-risk accountholders in your policies and procedures
- Develop adequate internal controls to protect your institution from money laundering and fraud
- Use provided tools and resources to develop a comprehensive due diligence process at account opening
- Establish monitoring procedures to identify potentially suspicious activity
- File accurate SARs for emerging areas of fraud
High-risk accountholders span a variety of industries, account types, and individual behaviors. Money service businesses, private ATM owners, cannabis-related businesses, and cash-intensive businesses present even more risk to your institution. This session will address how to mitigate these risks and safely maintain relationships with higher-risk accountholders. It will detail the required policies and procedures you should have in place to identify high-risk accountholders at the time of account opening and conduct appropriate due diligence to ensure a proper understanding of the accountholder’s normal activity. You’ll learn about red flags that should be incorporated into your monitoring process to identify potentially suspicious activity and take appropriate action.
This informative session will benefit new accounts representatives, loan officers, branch managers, BSA/AML officers, and compliance officers.