Elder Fraud Prevention – While positive progress was made last session, concessions were made to pass a streamlined bill that only provides for the creation and use of a trusted list. This remains a priority for WBA during the 2025–26 session.
Privacy – Positive progress was made on data privacy legislation last session where financial institutions and their affiliates were exempted. WBA will continue to work with elected officials and other stakeholders on privacy issues.
Interchange – While no interchange bills were introduced last session, WBA will be vigilant
in watching for any legislation next session.
Tax Parity – As more competitors leverage their tax-exempt status to gain a competitive advantage over banks, WBA will keep pursuing legislative solutions to level the playing field for the banking industry and its customers.
Merchant Category Codes – WBA will continue to neutralize any harmful legislation.
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) – WBA aims to defeat or minimize the impact of legislation that would prevent or limit a bank’s ability to make their own risk-based business decisions over loans and investments.
Trust Code – WBA will work on a legislative proposal with the State Bar advisory group on Domestic Asset Preservation Trust and other trust-related changes.