WBA Legal In-House Compliance Training
Let WBA Legal bring compliance training directly to your bank. Contact WBA Legal to book your training seminars.
WBA Legal Call Program
WBA Legal’s Call Program is staffed by several attorneys who field member compliance questions. Email your compliance questions or call 608-441-1200.
Compliance Services
FIPCO, a WBA subsidiary, offers consulting, coaching, and customized regulation review services.
Most Recent WBA Compliance Journal
The monthly WBA Compliance Journal provides bankers with updates and in-depth analysis on all things compliance.
January’s Most Frequently Asked Question to Legal Call Program:
Q: What is Wisconsin Record Retention Schedule for Banks?
Additional Compliance Resources
Additional compliance resources can be found within the compliance section of the WBA Best Practices Library.
Regulatory Chart and Reg CC Thresholds
The following resources includes a chart of proposals, final rules, and guidance issued by the federal banking agencies. It also includes a chart of current Reg CC thresholds.
WBA Compliance Journal Special Focus Articles
To help bankers find when a particular article ran, WBA Legal has created an index to locate specific Special Focus topics bankers may be interested in consulting. The Special Focus index is divided by topic.
WBA Compliance Journal Judicial Spotlight Articles
To help bankers find which year a particular article ran, WBA Legal has created an index to locate specific Judicial Spotlight articles bankers may be interested in consulting.
Looking for more? For past WBA Compliance Journals beyond the 10 years posted above, please contact WBA Legal at wbalegal@wisbank.com or 608-441-1200.
WBA’s Comment Letter Library
WBA regularly participates in the filing of comment letters to help inform federal agencies of the impact of rulemaking, and provide examples, on the banking industry.
WBA Compliance Corner Archive
WBA Compliance Corner Video
In WBA’s Legal’s monthly video series, bankers throughout the state will stay up to date with the most recent compliance news. The most recent month’s compliance corner video can be found below:
WBA publishes a wide variety of articles that address compliance issues and can serve as valuable resources to keep you up to date on the issues that impact your bank.
WBA offers several Education events throughout the year designed to assist compliance staff, ranging from webinars to conferences to week-long schools.
WBA provides helpful resources for you to stay up to date on recent news and procedure changes that impact your bank’s operations.
CLE Credit
Below, find the 2023-2024 listing of CLE credits available for WBA programs.