Executive Letter: Upcoming Opportunities to Meet Regulators in Madison
By Rose Oswald Poels
WBA’s advocacy efforts take on many forms, including the opportunity for banks to host a “Take Your Legislator to Work Day”, participate in trips to Washington, D.C. to meet with decision makers of banking issues, and through the efforts of the WBA Government Relations team to advance pro-banking legislation.
Advocacy efforts can also take affect through meeting with state and federal regulators. In addition to traveling to Washington, D.C. for WBA’s Fall Regulatory Trip, I have hosted many meetings over the years with bankers and state and federal banking regulators at the WBA Offices. These meetings allow for senior bank management to meet directly with regional or local regulators for small group discussions. These meetings have always led to meaningful conversations and allow bankers the opportunity to share concerns directly with their regulators.
As with many things during the pandemic, our local regulatory meetings had been postponed given travel restrictions of the supervisory agencies and so that bank management could focus on assisting customers and staff through pandemic recovery. However, time has now come to reinvigorate these meetings and to once again host an opportunity for bankers to meet with regulators here in Wisconsin.
Over the next several months I will be working to arrange in-person meetings with the FDIC, OCC, FRB, and DFI at the WBA Offices in Madison. These meetings are with regional and local office representatives and are limited in size to allow for all participants to engage directly with supervisory staff. Dates have not yet been set for the upcoming meetings; however, we are collecting names of those seeking to participate in the small group meetings.
If you wish to participate in an upcoming small group meeting with your federal or state regulator, please share your name and contact information with WBA’s VP Legal, Heather MacKinnon, at 608-441-1263 or hmackinnon@wisbank.com. As we work to finalize meeting arrangements, we will reach out with each of you directly regarding available meeting dates/times and to finalize meeting plans.
Please consider this opportunity to meaningfully impact WBA’s regulatory advocacy and join a small group meeting with your banking regulators here at the WBA Offices. Space is limited to 8-10 bankers per meeting.