Group One Golf Outing Tradition Continues
WBA Group One held its annual golf outing on Monday, July 15, at the Eau Claire Golf & Country Club where 97 registered golfers enjoyed a day of networking, good food, and, of course, golf. It is great to see bankers in this part of the state continue to get together for this fun outing! WBA’s Group One would like to thank its sponsors: the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago, WBA (and subsidiaries FIPCO, EBC and MBIS), and the Bankers Healthcare Group, for helping to ensure the success of this mid-summer event.
During dinner, the Group One Treasurer gave a financial report, and the president gavel was passed from Heidi Chell, National Bank of Commerce, to Bryan Gerlach, Security Financial Bank, who will remain in that officer position for the next few years. Joining Heidi and Bryan as WBA Group One Officers are Lance Hauser, Park Bank, as Vice President, and Joe Kinnear, Dairy State Bank, as Secretary/Treasurer.
Congratulations Bryan and thank you, Heidi, along with the other officers for your work and dedication to WBA’s Group One!