Making the Most of WBA’s Associate Members
Finding the best services and products for your bank
By Daryll J. Lund
Each year, the banking industry becomes increasingly more competitive and with new trends, technology, and specialized services emerging at rapid speeds, there is no way for one single business to do it all. WBA’s Associate Member program highlights a broad spectrum of third-party providers from around the country that WBA-member banks may choose to partner with in pursuit of their own strategic goals.
These companies most often specialize in specific products and services related to banks — from data processing to cybersecurity and talent management, to name just a few — and assist banks in enhancing their ability to better serve their customers.
WBA’s Associate Member program offers WBA bank members access to over 150 vetted, dedicated companies that show their support for our industry in various ways. From sharing their expertise through resources published in our publications to presenting on hot topics at WBA events, our Associate Members help us create meaningful, relevant content that informs bankers throughout Wisconsin.
If you have attended any one of WBA’s events, conferences, or outings, you will also know that WBA’s Associate Members play a substantial role in their continued success. On August 18, WBA will host its seventeenth annual Chairman’s Golf Outing. This complimentary event is one of the many programs sponsored by WBA’s Associate Members. In addition to the support of this annual outing for our members, WBA’s Associate Member program ultimately assists WBA in continuing to provide high-value educational opportunities to bankers in their pursuit to support their communities.
It is critical that banks have the ability to form strong partnerships with third-party vendors for the benefit of the bank’s growth and the satisfaction of their customers. WBA’s Associate Member program offers just the place for community banks to locate whatever niche expertise and product specialization they need to stay ahead in our continuously evolving industry.
With the help of Nick Loppnow, who re-joined the Association in June as director – associate membership and business development, WBA stands ready to identify companies that seek to assist Wisconsin’s banking industry and connect banks with the vendor(s) that will meet their needs.
Those seeking a new partnership or looking to refer a company should contact Nick Loppnow.