Executive Letter: Help Shape the Banking Landscape
By Rose Oswald Poels
As the banking industry continues to experience a wave of transformation, it is vital that bankers continue to make their voices heard on matters impacting their communities and their livelihoods. Just this summer, several of the Wisconsin Bankers Association’s (WBA) longtime advocacy initiatives, including tax parity relief and personal property tax repeal, were achieved with the signing of 2023 Wisconsin Acts 19 and 21. Of course, without the support of bankers statewide, the Association’s mission to advocate for our industry would be far less successful.
In addition to the various opportunities offered to WBA’s membership to facilitate conversations and advocate for the industry, fundraising is one of the most important ways in which each of us can leave a lasting impact that meaningfully helps the industry. This year, WBA is striving to raise at least $300,000 in political contributions across our two primary political accounts: Wisbankpac and the Alliance of Bankers Conduit (ABW).
Through the Association’s political action funds, individuals have the ability to pool their personal contributions with that from other bankers for even greater impact and visibility for the industry. As I have long stated, WBA firmly believes in “B for Banker.” So, rather than supporting one side of the aisle or another, our Association supports the elected officials who support our industry.
With so much at stake, and the 2024 elections right around the corner, supporting the well-being and success of the banking industry is not a task we can accomplish alone. Each year, I personally contribute between $4,000 and $5,000 to WBA’s political accounts. I encourage the entirety of the WBA membership to help make a difference. Even small-dollar donations go a long way! WBA staff are also available to give a presentation on our advocacy initiatives virtually or in-person to your staff and/or board of directors. These informative updates help illustrate the legislative environment we work in and detail our priority issues in a length of time that works best for your meeting.
So far, WBA has raised over 60% of our $300,000 goal, and with over three months until the end of the 2023 calendar year, we are on our way to meeting our monumental goal for the first time in five years! Help us invest in the future prosperity of Wisconsin’s banking industry by joining the Silver Triangle Club, the Leadership Circle, or the Hall of Fame. Banks should also strive to achieve Gold Triangle Club recognition.
Thank you to those who have already contributed so far this year to help WBA reach its political goals for our industry. Without your support, WBA is not as effective as we need to be to achieve our priorities. To learn more about WBA’s advocacy efforts and to contribute to one or both of our political accounts, please visit wisbank.com/advocacy. If you would like to schedule an advocacy presentation for your bank, please contact a member of our Government Relations team.