Technology and Operations
This Committee acts as a sounding board for WBA in its development of new technology-oriented products and services. This group investigates new technological advancements as well as current technology and risk management issues that have the potential to impact the banking industry. The committee assists WBA in providing timely training on topics in the technology and bank operations fields. In addition, they play a key role in the planning of the annual WBA Secur-I.T. Conference. The group meets four times per year.
For more information, contact WBA Assistant Director – IT Randy Molepske.
2024–2025 Technology and Operations Committee
John White Jr. (Chair)
Forward Bank, Marshfield
John Kress (Past Chair)
The Equitable Bank S.S.B., Wauwatosa
Jeffery Kurek (Past Chair Emeritus)
Park Bank, Madison
Sue Baker (2024)
Spring Bank, Brookfield
Todd Cearfos (2024)
Bay Bank, Green Bay
Kim Phillips (2024)
Farmers Savings Bank, Mineral Point
Michael Hostak (2025)
Prevail Bank, Medford
Karla Riehl (2025)
First State Bank, New London
Cyrene Wilke (2025)
Horicon Bank, Horicon
Justin Kruger (2027)
Bank of Sun Prairie, Sun Prairie
Chris Jenkinson (2027)
Fortifi Bank, Berlin
Randy Molepske, Staff Liaison
WBA, Madison