Association Update: Unique Benefit Available for Wisconsin’s Banking Leaders
By Daryll Lund
As our industry continues to feel economic and regulatory strain, establishing and maintaining banker networks is one significant way in which the Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA) helps to inspire success throughout the industry for generations to come. Through membership in WBA’s CEOnly/ CFOnly Networks, Wisconsin CEOs and CFOs have the ability to gain relevant insights, best practices, and recommendations by forming connections with their peers from across the state.
The CEOnly/CFOnly Networks, which were founded on the benefits of knowledge and idea sharing, provide access to a confidential Q&A service and registration to three networking events throughout the year. Many members — including WBA’s 2023–2024 Board of Directors Chair Donna Hoppenjan — agree that by fostering a collaborative environment, bankers are better positioned to stay a step ahead of challenges faced both locally and throughout the industry.
For several years, hundreds of Wisconsin bank leaders have found their CEOnly/CFOnly Network membership, and the positive connections formed, to be of unequivocal value both personally and professionally. In just the last year, members shared over 100 questions and answers amongst the two networks.
Bankers looking to renew or begin their membership for the 2024 CEOnly/CFOnly Networks can expect the same excellent value — three annual networking meetings and the continued Q&A service — all for only $300 a year. Banks registering both their CEO and CFO will also receive the discounted price of $500.
As a reminder, WBA’s CEOnly/CFOnly Networks run on a calendar-year basis starting January 1, and with the 2024 calendar year right around the corner, membership renewal is quickly approaching. All CEOs and CFOs serving a Wisconsinchartered bank are encouraged join the exclusive network for the greatest opportunity to stay informed and connected.
Interested in joining the exclusive network or learning more about what the CEOnly and CFOnly programs can offer for your bank? Please visit