Executive Letter: Nominate an Outstanding Leader for the 2023 Banker of the Year
By Rose Oswald Poels
Bankers across Wisconsin go above and beyond as leaders in our communities. To celebrate these outstanding efforts, the Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA) is proud to honor one individual each year with the distinguished WBA Banker of the Year award.
This tradition, spanning 37 years, recognizes individuals who demonstrate remarkable service efforts over their career to both their bank and community. From promoting economic development, inclusion, and affordable housing, to providing financial education and protecting customers against fraud, there are many ways in which bankers stand out as exceptional leaders. Beyond their banks, they are known for their volunteerism and service to nonprofit organizations making an impact in their local areas. They are also known as advocates for their industry and the people they serve.
Last year’s Banker of the Year, Greg Lundberg of Fortifi Bank in Berlin, exemplifies the dedication of bankers across the state through his commitment to his bank, the industry, and various community initiatives. Greg and the many committed bank leaders across the state who have received this recognition in the past all have remarkable stories to tell about their experiences and achievements. As such, the Association is excited to open nominations for the 2023 Banker of the Year award and to hear of the unique commitment other Wisconsin bankers have to their communities and the industry.
Bankers are encouraged to nominate themselves, or another qualified banker, for this prestigious honor now through Friday, December 8, 2023. The award, which recognizes a current (or recent past) president/CEO of a Wisconsin-based, WBA-member bank, will be presented during a ceremony at WBA’s annual Bank Executives Conference on Thursday, February 8, 2024.
While the Association recognizes only one banker per year, yet receives many qualified recommendations, those who have previously nominated a banker who has not yet been honored are encouraged to do so again this year. Without a doubt, bankers in Wisconsin are an inspiration to their communities and fellow bankers. It is humbling to recognize the Banker of the Year, and I look forward to sharing their story with our membership.