FNC Bank: Making Financial Literacy a Reality

Second annual FNC Bank Reality Fair
FNC Bank is honored to have recently organized their second annual FNC Bank Reality Fair held on May 14th for the Junior classes from both Osceola and St. Croix Falls High Schools. This bank-organized event took place at Osceola High School and provided students with an interactive simulation of an adult’s financial life of making real-world financial decisions and managing money. Throughout the event, students got to see what it’s like to have an account at a financial institution, make choices about how to use their money, get a loan, handle debt, and so much more. They engaged with various life stations, discovering how their financial choices influenced different aspects of their lives and budgets – such as renting versus buying a home, selecting vehicles, the expense of children, healthcare, and more.
While FNC Bank coordinated the reality fair, the support and community involvement extended well beyond the bank walls. Volunteers from over 20 local businesses offered guidance at each station throughout the event. FNC Bank attributes much of the event’s success to the numerous helping hands who enthusiastically participated that day including: Becky Styles, Bill Ties, Brandon Koehler, Chrissy Cook, Crystal Lusk, Devin Swanberg, Dominick Raedeke, Donya Goodwin, Ed Vater, Elise Kolbeck, Jessi Kruger, Kandra Frane, Kristy Halverson, Luke Wolf, Mark Casey, Matt Fisk, Melissa Lee, Michael Corradi, Neil Kline, Penny Austad, Rebecca Stenberg, Rhonda Austin, Ruth Satler, Sarah Heintz, Seth Willard, Shannon Donaghue, Shari Steele, Shelley Ross, Sophie Haren, Tara Rothe, Tim Pauley, Tom Mews, and Whitney Dinzeo.
Additionally, the success of the fair hinged on the collaborative effort between FNC Bank, Osceola High School, and St. Croix Falls High School, with the schools not only providing venue and transportation but, most importantly, reinforcing the significance of financial literacy in our schools.
“FNC Bank is proud to contribute to the growth and success of our local youth, and to guide them through important financial decisions that may come along their journey in life.” states Aaron Mork, reality fair organizer and Commercial Lender at FNC Bank. “For students, the reality fair is an eye-opening and fun way to develop financial knowledge and skills. It’s exciting to see students dive into the world of finance and have a blast learning how to manage their money like a pro!”